The full truth and nothing but the truth about Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil

I remember the day clearly when I saw the hype driven and rather lengthy “essay” from Dr. Kaayla Daniel about her “underground” investigation into the well known product of Fermented Cod Liver oil by Green Pastures.

  1. I’ve never heard of Dr. Kaayla Daniel before this whole thing came out. And was skeptical about a Dr. who is talking trash about a small company so I wanted to at least have an open mind and read the whole “investigation”.
  2. I can only draw on my previous experiences where in 2012 my daughter had yellow teeth, two extreme cavities and decay from antibiotics given at birth. I started her on Green Pastures products for the oil and the butter and restored her enamel in four weeks.  What???!! Four weeks?!  Yes. So I know these products are amazing.

I eagerly opened the link, entered my name and email so fast so I could see the real scoop. Started reading and looked at the amount of writing….jeez.  Unfortunately, she lost me at the third page because she was constantly demeaning, carping and just being snide throughout the whole article. For a Doctor to be this negative and opinionated,  there’s something she’s hiding. Why is she so vehemently out for these guys?

I kept reading and there was mainly just her “feelings”no truths about the article. I did have some concerns that she brought to light so I called Dave Wetzel immediately after reading it. And he answered the phone for me.   I mean, what founder/CEO answers their phone to address consumer concerns, he sure does. I have put calls into Nordic Naturals and Rosita and can barely get a person on the phone, but he makes himself available.  Huge plus for Green Pastures.  Still waiting for a call back from Rosita for now 4 weeks to get all the information on their supplier…

I asked him in detail about these issues:

And here’s what he said.

  1. Dr. Kaayla raised her concerns and Dave invited her out, on an all expense trip paid to see their facility, access to test whatever she wanted to and to see the facility from soup to nuts. She never returned a single email.  Hmmmmm.
  2. Green Pastures regularly tests their oils for rancidity. They do not add any other oils.
  3. Who cares if the product is fermented. It’s another way to get healthy food into your body. They stand by their product.
  4. The use of pollock is roughly 10 % of the entire product line and only used because of shortages.
  5. Testing methods for D3 are very specific and the only way to test is through rat testing. Not the methods that Dr. Kaayla put out.

I personally wanted to know who was behind this endeavor and attack and I researched the direct competitors:

  1. Ron Schmid – claims Green Pastures product gave him a heart attack. Well, for the record apparently he has been over-consuming other cod liver oil for years before using Green Pastures and continued to go above the recommended dose. So I don’ t know how he can claim they are responsible.
  2. Corganic/Rosita – been fighting about the position Green Pastures has with WAPF for a long time and have apparently complained to Dr. Kaayla Daniel. Not sure why but something smells very fishy and I would like this company’s product line to go through the same testing that Dr. Kaayla Daniel did but this time being transparent about her lab sources.  Like this article here:
  3. And finally, who does an investigation and doesn’t go to the real source of the product? This sounds like someone just trying to defame a good company.  You don’t do a documentary about fish and go see a fisherman and ask them about fish. You go see the fish.  If you want to know about the facility, the integrity of that facility, how their product is made, wouldn’t you go to the place to get more information?  She didn’t and she lost all credibility with me when I found out that she never even went to Green Pastures when invited.

So, in the end, I went to see what others who I have respected said about this whole unnecessary scare that Dr. Kaayla Daniel put forth and this is what they have to say:

  1. Healthy Home Economist
  2. Chris Kresser
  3. Sally Fallon
  4. Craig Elding
  5. Owner David Wetzel 

So, in a nut shell my family will continue to use this product and I would like to see Dr. Kaayla Daniel research Rosita EVCLO,  Nordic Naturals and Carlson Oils since they all state that their fish is from the Norwegian waters and are all “natural”.  How does Rosita maintain integrity of their vitamins despite their extensive processing and not add back in synthetic vitamins like Nordic and Carlson?   So Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, please start looking at the bigger evils….

About Britt's Health Tips

Started running at age 9 and always loved learning about nutrition and health. When I was 17 years old, 30lbs over weight and diagnosed with hypo-thyroidism I decided to heal myself through diet and exercise. Having fully recovered from that and having three children I have learned how to effectively heal my children through diet. I decided through pressure from friends to document my success on a blog and here I am. 2018 will be a big year for me. I hope to be well on my way to finishing my degree in Pediatric Nutrition.
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6 Responses to The full truth and nothing but the truth about Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil

  1. Hi! Great Blog Brittney! 🙂 I have been wanting to get to the bottom of this myself. We actually don’t take any of the oil, but I have recommended it in the past to clients. But now I don’t think I am. Have you read this post yet?


    • Hey! I did see this but I’ve reas so many other reports from more reputable people and their reports and confirmed labs with their names disclosed proved that there was no issue. people will read what they want to hear and move on. I’ve been looking at both sides of the argument and still believe it’s a non issue. It’s worked amazing in our family.


  2. Craig says:

    Hi Britt,

    You might also be interested to read that EVCLO/ Corganics have had a concerted effort to slander FCLO, which goes as far as the owner of Rosita (who make EVCLO) to make a video suggesting that FCLO is bought from China.

    You can read all about this here:

    The actions of EVCLO/ Corganics are shameful, and shouldn’t go unnoticed.


  3. Heather Anzalone says:

    Hi! I’ve been looking for this product. Is it the same as Green Pasture Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil, on Amazon?


    • Heather, girl I am so sorry for the delay. Yes. Green Pastures but it’s spendy on Amazon. Maybe you can find out from Green Pastures if they have a group already set up in your area and you can buy direct to them. Again sorry for delay.


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